魔镜歌词网 > 其他歌手 > 游戏 > 战争艺术:赤潮(游戏原声带) > 专辑介绍




《战争艺术:赤潮(Art of War: Red Tides)》是一款由国内游戏开发公司 Game Science 研发、英雄互娱发行的公全球同服即时团队竞技游戏,也是唯一荣获2017年 App Store 年度最佳游戏奖项的国产游戏。玩家可以在PC、手机、平板 、电视等多平台同服对战。游戏支援超过300个独立思考的战斗单位即时战斗,次世代画面表现出火爆热烈的战争场面。游戏中三大种族超过150种不同单位,重现了经典即时战略游戏的“核心乐趣”,其操作模式相容了不同平台的操作习惯。

《战争艺术:赤潮(Art of War: Red Tides)》中的全部高品质原创音乐由国内著名音讯工作室8082Audio创作完成,创始人徐梧桐老师亲自监督制作;主题歌《出塞曲(Nothing on my mind)》中英文双版本,更是广为流传。这是一个国产游戏游戏音乐的听觉盛宴。

Art of War: Red Tides is a real-time team competetion game developed by Game Science, released by Hero Entertainment, the only Chinese domestic game who got the best game reward on App Store in 2017. In this game , players can play on one server while using different platforms like PC, mobile phone, even the TV. The Art of War: Red Tides supports over 300 individual combat units fighting together, and the frame of next generation shows fierce war scenes. Over 150 units of the 3 races reproduce the ‘Core Entertaiment ’ of the classic real-time strategy game, the operating modes of this game are also compatible with different operating habits on various platforms.

All of the high quality original music of the game is created by the 8082 Audio——well known as a famous sound provider and designer of China,with its founder Sean Xu supervised。The theme of Art of War: Red Tides,Farewell My Country(Nothing on my mind),which has two versions—Chinese and English , is also widely circulated. And this original soundtrack must be a feast for the ears.