魔镜歌词网 > 团体歌手 > Jesus Fashion Family > 凡事都有可能(Jesus Fashion3.0)

Jesus Fashion Family



【 凡事都有可能(Jesus Fashion3.0) 】【 国语 】【 2019-12-24 】



3.若不是你(If It's Not You)


5.高举你圣名(Exalt Your Name)

6.兴起的时刻(We Arise Today)

7.凡事都有可能(All Things Are Possible)

8.我爱你(I Love You)


Jesus Fashion3.0
凡事都有可能 All Things Are Possible

Jesus Fashion第三张专辑, 八首敬拜赞美的原创歌曲,带下“在神凡事都有可能”的超然信心,让我们超越一切限制,迎接丰收荣耀的得胜年!
这次专辑制作采 Co-write 共同创作的方式,超过 30 位敬拜团成员,为期 48 小时高密度团队创作,产出了这张跨世代全新敬拜专辑。
As we are entering into the year 2020, the Church needs to prepare itself, entering into a new season of breakthrough unlike any before. We know this is what God has prepared for his Church: “what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived, the things God has prepared for those who love him.”
Jesus Fashion’s 3rd album includes 8 original praise & worship songs, proclaiming 'With God, All Things Are Possible'. Let us break out of all limitations and get ready for a year of harvest & victory.
We gathered over 30 worship team members to co-write this album in a time frame of only 48 hours to create this new worship album.
01我们已得胜 / Victorious
这首歌曲结合Trap X 摇滚 X 战歌,带我们穿越到出埃及记17:8-16的场景,看见摩西、亚伦、户珥和约书亚山上山下的团队合作,靠主得胜仇敌!期许教会抓住神的应许,扮演这个世代的得胜者,透过唤醒神的百姓兴起发光,在末后的世代打一场漂亮的胜仗,因为祂就是耶和华尼西,是我们得胜的旌旗!

An Epic War Song
This epic song combines Trap, Rock and War Song into one to sends us to Exodus 17:8-16 where Moses, Aaron and Huer works together with Joshua and the lord for victory. Let the church hold onto the promises of God and reign as victorers, awakening them to put up a good fight in the end times. He is our Lord Nishi, our banner of victory.
02自由 / Freedom
“自由”,突显了个人生命的存在意义和价值,让人愿意付出上一切代价去换取;真正的自由是“不自由的自由”,是在基督里的自由,是各样的景况都夺不走的自由。主的灵在哪里,哪里就有真自由!用这首结合 Tropical 的舞曲与神一起自由自在地欢呼跳舞吧!
A Song to Dance with The Lord
Freedom is the one thing that highlights a person’s purpose and meaning of living. We usually give it our all to have it. But true freedom isn’t all free, as it is the freedom in Christ - a freedom that no circumstance can take away. “Where the spirit the Lord is, there is true freedom”. Dance with the Lord in freedom with this Tropical EDM .
03若不是你 / All Because Of You
“若不是祢,我能算什么?”“若不是祢, 在人海之中寻回了我,我又会在哪里?” “若不是祢”,这是一个假设,也是回首数算上帝恩典的感恩。这首诗歌是创作者对《诗篇127:1》回应,用抒情摇滚温柔地唱着每个遇见祢的美好故事。
Meek and Emotional Ballad Rock
“If not for you, what am I?”. “If not for you” is not only a hypothetical prayer, but it is also a way of gratitude towards God’s grace. This is the response the song writers have towards Psalms 127:1.
04快跑跟随 / Strive
A Faith-filled Light Rock
The path to following Jesus has its highs and lows. “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead” is the attitude of those who is walking with God. Let’s sing this mild-tempo rock song and declare: following Jesus is the only way for the sons and daughters of God.

05高举你圣名 / Exalt Your Name
Tropical X Rock. Endless Praise.
The name of the Lord is higher than all else, and there is no other name that saves. His name is worthy of high praise. Whenever we lift our hands and pray, we experience his victory. Let us sing and praise and overcome the world with this Retro Rock tune.

06兴起的时刻 / We Arise Today
EDM Rock About Arise & Build
God’s way of time is always in movement. And “Now” is the divine timing of the church’s revival. He has pre-destined all things, promising the future glory of his temple is greater than his prior glory. Let’s praise with this EDM Rock song as God shakes all nations once again, filling his temple with the fullness of his glory.

07凡事都有可能 / All Things Are Possible
The Featuring Song of JF3.0
“Impossible!” is our most frequent answer towards most challenges. But thankfully, our faith in Christ is “God gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist.”. This is why we can accomplish the impossible. Let’s sing to this British Rock song and proclaim our faith - we believe God will move according to the strength of our hearts and fulfil all things above and beyond our imagination.
08我爱你 / I Love You
A Love Song to Propose to God
No matter the circumstances, let this song remind you of your first love for God. When writing this song, the Holy Spirit reminds us that “We love, because God first loved us”. May the Lord help us come before him, fearless and bold. In faith, we can enjoy his unconditional love. let us all be his vessel of love and blessings.

制作公司 Production Company:中华彩虹天堂协会 Rainbow Heaven Association
制作统筹 Production Coordination: 蔡冈廷 Matt Tsai
监制 Executive Producer:洪丽惠 Jenny Hung, 蔡冈廷 Matt Tsai
艺人与产品行政企划 A&R:洪丽惠 Jenny Hung, 蔡冈廷 Matt Tsai, 陈逸年 Angus Channce, 刘映彤 Tone Liu, 雷应婕 Jennifer Lei, 陈柏全 Vincent Chen
封面设计 Cover Design:杨飏 Jens Yang, 刘璇 Hsuan Liu