魔镜歌词网 > 男生歌手 > Melo > Cold World




【 Cold World 】【 国语 】【 2021-03-23 】

1.Cold World


Higher Brothers成员Melo今日带着新单曲《Cold World》回归。距Melo发布他的第一张个人专辑《Old Master》已经一年的时间,一向以标志性Boom-Bap说唱而闻名的Melo,这次以一种颇具旋律感的全新音乐风格回到众人的视线。 《Cold World》描述了一个残酷冰冷的世界,在那里人们必须拥有坚强的意志不断战斗才得以存活。 MV中Melo站在一幕幕寂静的场景中,即使是本该热闹的环境也好像是独自一人,“我就像一个永远不会投降的战士”,触动人心的歌词带领我们探索他的个人经历,追逐的梦想,感受他在Cold World中所执有的挣扎。相信这首歌将激励所有听众去追寻找到自己的梦想,并永不屈服。

Higher Brothers' member Melo returns today with a brand new single, “Cold World.” It has been a year since Melo released his first solo album, “Old Master.” Known for his signature Boom-Bap songs, this time Melo has surprised everyone with a more melodic style of music. This emotional song describes a cutthroat world out there where you got to fight and be strong to succeed. “I'm like a warrior who will never surrender.” Melo takes us on a ride of his personal experience chasing his dreams and feel the struggle of his own in a cold world like that. In the end, this song will inspire all the listeners to strike, to seek, to find your own dreams, and never to yield.