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专辑名称:If Not Now, When?(犹豫不决,更待何时 ?)

◎ 全球累积超过一千八百万张专辑销量顶尖摇滚劲旅,缔造13首告示牌现代摇滚榜Top10单曲,重击合唱团2011最新大碟
◎ 葛莱美奖制作/混音师Brendan O' Brien (Bob Dylan、AC/DC、Bruce Springsteen) 担纲坐镇
◎ 首支层次鲜明主打单曲〈Adolescents〉,双双占据告示牌摇滚榜、另类榜Top3


出道时还是高中生的主唱Brandon Boyd、吉他手Mike Einziger、贝斯手Dirk Lance和鼓手Jose Pasillas四位对音乐有着满腔热血的死党,也成就了Incubus最原始的阵容。1995年添加新成员DJ Lyfe,并在独立厂推出《Fungus Amongus》,获得Immortal青睐而成为主流厂乐队。1997年问市《S.C.I.E.N.C.E.》写下金唱片认证,并站稳了在乐坛初试啼声的地位。接着1999年大破两百万销量的《Make Yourself》、2001年发行的《Morning View》,更在发行首周空降美国流行专辑榜亚军席次、2004年《Crow Left of the Murder》和2006年的《Light Grenades》更让Incubus声势达到最巅峰。2008年乐团却宣布暂时休息,灵魂人物Brandon不仅献上个人画展秀,更在2010年发行首张单飞不解散专辑《The Wild Trapeze》。

相隔五年,Incubus再次归队重回舞台,发行第七张录音室大碟《If Not Now,When?》,特别请到荣获葛莱美奖肯定的制作/混音师Brendan O' Brien (Bob Dylan、AC/DC、Bruce Springsteen) 担纲坐镇。专辑为了寻找最纯粹的感动,Incubus大胆尝试之前尚未触及的音乐诠释,乐迷将对其作品有种惊喜之感!开场同名曲〈If Not Now, When?〉,以弦乐柔化摇滚野性,衬入New Wave的音效点缀,顺畅旋律令人爱不释手,大赞Incubus真的没让我们白等!钢琴摇滚为基调的〈Promises, Promises〉,持续讨好双耳,沉溺舒适动人的场景;揉合充满节奏蓝调的节拍,并在瞬间切入重力鼓击的〈Isadore〉,电吉他和空心吉他交相拨奏带来千变万化的丰富背景,鼓譟的Solo回荡甚是精采;外放狂野的〈Switchblade〉散发Funky活跃的舞动激流不断翻滚,独特的演唱方式更让人印象深刻;层次鲜明的第一波主打〈Adolescents〉,透着迷幻般低沉氛围,暗潮汹涌的编曲紧扣听觉感官,造成全美摇滚电台涌入大量点播,双双占据告示牌摇滚榜、另类榜季军席次!Incubus这次展现独特且撼动人心的摇滚频律,好听的没话说,呈献一张艺术质感兼具的超优杰作!

Multi-platinum rock band, Incubus, have re-engaged renowned producer Brendan O'Brien (Pearl Jam, Rage Against The Machine, Bob Dylan) to produce the band's sixth studio album, If Not Now, When? The highly anticipated new album features lead single 'Adolescents', an inimitable showcase of the band's frenetic rock roots. Delving further into the album, tracks like 'Promises, Promises' and 'Friends & Lovers' reveal new levels of elegance, space, and psychedelia in the band's ever evolving sound.

'By about three songs into the writing process, I think we began to understand that we were unearthing something new,' explains Brandon Boyd about the new album. 'If Not Now, When? is our unabashed, romantic, lush, sonic love letter to the world. It s darker, slower, more rich, more refined, and more involved than anything Incubus has birthed to date.'