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Miley Cyrus


专辑名称:The Time Of Our Lives(EP)

3年之内,4张冠军专辑,16岁的麦莉成为改写排行冠军纪录史上最年轻的歌手,2009年岁末,她要以迷你专辑【The Time Of Our Lives】告诉全球乐迷:“小女孩长大了!”

无论在音乐风格或歌词描述上,【The Time Of Our Lives】都是麦莉最成熟、最多样的一次展现,显然乐迷非常喜爱她这样的转变,此辑一出全美流行专辑榜便直冲亚军,成为她第8张TOP10专辑。首支单曲'Party In The U.S.A.'融合流行摇滚与舞曲的节奏劲道,同时带点雷鬼、嘻哈元素,歌词描述麦莉从田纳西州到洛杉矶的歌唱冒险心情,发行首周即登上全美热门单曲榜亚军,与黑眼豆豆的'I Gotta Feeling'并列为2009年全美首周进榜最高名次的作品,同时也是自2005年以来女歌手首周进榜的最高纪录,单周就创下225,000次的下载销售纪录,同时蝉联iTunes、全美数位下载歌曲榜、全美热门数位单曲榜的三冠王,不到一个月的时间“Party In The U.S.A.”已经突破了150万次付费下载!

麦莉以‘孟汉娜’及‘孟汉娜2:遇见麦莉’两张电视原声带、2008年专辑‘Breakout无所不能’与‘孟汉娜’电影原声带,纷纷登上全美流行专辑榜冠军后座,写下3年内连创4张冠军专辑这项排行纪录的最年轻歌手,其中‘孟汉娜’电视原声带还创下8首打进全美流行单曲榜的惊人纪录。麦莉于2007-2008年的巡回演唱会累计票房高达5600万美金,演唱会电影“孟汉娜3D立体演唱会”与“孟汉娜电影版”分别创造了7000万美金、1亿2000万美金的票房。麦莉在电视界、流行乐坛与好莱坞的出色表现让她获得时代杂志圈选为全球百大最具影响力人物,并入选富比士杂志百大收入名人榜。2009年麦莉更一举拿下6座全美青少年直选大奖,并展开55场横跨欧美的“Wonderful World Tour”巡回演唱会。最近她更将触角伸入时尚界,和名设计师Max Azria(BCBG)合作一系列年轻服饰,展现她除了歌唱和戏剧之外的才华。

除了数位下载大热门的首支单曲'Party In The U.S.A.'之外,专辑中还收录了蝉连成人抒情榜14周冠军,全美热门单曲榜TOP5的‘孟汉娜电影版’主题曲'The Climb',以及预计在2010年上映,由麦莉领衔主演的电影“The Last Song”主题曲'When I Look At You'。另外还有麦莉与强纳斯兄弟合写合唱的分手情歌'Before The Storm'、意乱情迷的流行情歌'Obsessed'、把握年轻、及时行乐的'Time Of Our Lives'等精彩曲目。想一窥麦莉褪去青涩稚嫩、展现成熟多样的音乐面貌,这张新辑将为乐迷带来意想不到的惊喜。

The Time of Our Lives is the first extended play by American pop recording artist Miley Cyrus. It is set to be released on August 31, 2009 under Hollywood Records, and will be sold exclusively at American Wal-Mart stores in conjunction to Cyrus' new clothing line with Max Azria.Cyrus worked with with several producers on the album, including Dr. Luke, Claude Kelly and John Shanks, the latter one who produced Cyrus' successful song 'The Climb.' The songs are inspired, in general, by to Cyrus' personal struggles and life; Cyrus covers Ashlee Simpson on the opening track. Musically, the pop album has an inclination towards rock and for Cyrus marked 'change.'

In the U.S., the lead single from the album, 'Party in the U.S.A.' became Cyrus' highest charting and Hollywood Records' fastest selling single, at number two in the Billboard Hot 100. She is also to release another single in correlation to the 2010 film, The Last Song, entitled 'When I Look at You.' The album is being promoted through mainly live performances including one which sparked controversy due to what appeared to be pole dancing and her second headlining concert tour.