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Owl City


专辑名称:All Things Bright And Beautiful(美丽人生)

心动推荐融入嘻哈新元素的首支单曲'Alligator Sky'+写给国民小公主泰勒丝的迷人小品'Deer In The Headlights'

1200 万张数位单曲下载销售,700万张专辑销售,23国排行冠军,Owl City以成名曲'Fireflies'与专辑‘Ocean Eyes’中美丽梦幻的流行乐唤醒了现代都会沉睡的心灵,照亮城市中每一盏心灯。2011年全新第二张专辑【All Things Bright And Beautiful】,Owl City的灵魂人物Adam Young要与全球乐迷一起沉醉在这世上所有美好与美丽的事物!

来自明尼苏达的Adam Young,在可口可乐工厂担任装运工作时深受失眠困扰,他把失眠之夜变成创作之夜,每天收工回家就是跑到地下室的歌曲创作天地,把工作时在脑海里浮现的旋律写进电脑,他以Owl City为名在iTunes与MySpace发表创作曲。2007年,Owl City在MySpace上传销售迷你专辑‘Of June’,2008年12月发表专辑‘Maybe I’m Dreaming’,两张作品全都挺进全美电子音乐专辑榜TOP20。就在2008年,Owl City的创作网站引起唱片公司注意,签下唱片合约,在2009年夏季与秋季分别透过网络与实体通路发行专辑‘Ocean Eyes’,专辑中的单曲'Fireflies'同年11月登上全美流行榜冠军,这首美丽小品随后也在英国、澳洲、日本等国夺冠,专辑在单曲造势声中闯进全美流行榜TOP10,同时还在电子音乐、摇滚、另类专辑榜蝉联三冠王。Adam Young在2010年以Sky Sailing代号发表他在2007年时以钢琴与不插电弹唱风格创作的作品辑“An Airplane Carried Me To Bed”。Owl City的创作曲深受好莱坞青睐,分别出现在电影“魔境梦游”、“猫头鹰守护神”以及热门影集“90210”原声带。

对音乐有着无比热情的Adam Young在2011推出Owl City的最新大碟【All Things Bright And Beautiful】,他在这张新作中分享拥抱希望与梦想的心情。首支单曲'Alligator Sky'找来400多万名网友力挺的加州嘻哈新世代歌手Shawn Chrystopher共同创作,Adam Young表示:“我超爱嘻哈乐把所有元素放在一起的感觉,有着很重的节拍,把歌的重心放在旋律,或是旋律之外的东西上,不过,我想融合这两个点子,把歌放在旋律的表现上,然后由嘻哈歌手担任歌词演唱的段落,为歌曲注入新风貌。”专辑中还记录著歌手之间相互仰慕创作才情的故事,话说国民小公主Taylor Swift/泰勒丝在“Speak Now”专辑中将她在纽约巧遇Adam Young的迷人感觉写成了'Enchanted',Adam在此张专辑中特别以一首描写坠入情网感觉的歌曲'Deer In The Headlights'回献给泰勒丝。

Owl City's Adam Young, a 24-year-old small-town Minnesotan who had never been on an airplane until two years ago, has experienced many extraordinary moments over the past 18 months, including calling his mom back home on his cellphone while standing on The Great Wall of China. Young's travels came in the wake of the blockbuster success of Owl City's major-label debut album -- the lush, lovingly created Ocean Eyes, which was released by Universal Republic Records in July 2009. Filled with whimsical melodies and blissful beats, Ocean Eyes topped the Billboard Rock, Alternative, and Dance/Electronic charts and was certified platinum in the U.S. The album spawned the quadruple-platinum single 'Fireflies,' which hit No. 1 in 24 countries including the U.S. (twice), and sold more than four million downloads. Its eye-popping success has made Owl City an international phenomenon, shifting nearly 12 million tracks worldwide, selling out headlining shows in the U.S., Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Asia, and racking up more than 98 million total plays on MySpace. Young's adventures are evocatively detailed on the impossibly catchy electro-pop songs that make up Owl City's self-produced new album, All Things Bright and Beautiful, which finds Young expanding his sonic palette as he takes his listeners into a verdant musical dreamland on such tracks as first single 'Alligator Sky,' 'The Real World,' and 'Dreams Don't Turn To Dust.' Throughout the album, Young retains his trademark optimism, letting the listener know that no matter how tough times get, there's always light at the end of the tunnel. 'I would feel weird if I were to communicate anything other than optimism, because it's just who I am,' Young says. 'It's always been in me to make Owl City a vehicle that sends a hopeful message. As a listener, I'm drawn to things that are really uplifting. When a certain melody grabs my ear, it makes me feel like I could be a better person.'

关于Owl City

来自美国明尼苏达州奥瓦通纳(Owatonna, Minnesota)的大学生,于07年组建了Owl City乐队。他就是这 支流行电子乐队的唯一成员,负责主音、合成器和编曲等工作。随之独立发行的首张EP《Of June》,20 08年发行了首张专辑《Maybe I’m Dreaming》,随后在2009年7月14日发行了他们的第二张专辑《Ocean Eyes 》。但他的主流厂牌的首张录音室大碟《海洋之眼》(Ocean Eyes)令每个人为之振奋,尤其在金秋,他标志性主打单曲《萤火虫》(Fireflies)飞上了公告牌单曲榜的冠军宝座。他的声音就像少女倾诉心事一样温文细气,但对旋律节奏的掌握却十分到位.专辑以欢快的电子旋律征服了不少听众,像宝石般闪烁明亮.而首张专辑Maybe I'm Dreaming在演绎方面Owl City显然更加投入,从精致的和声到深情的合唱,Owl City的个人魅力也越加凸现.甜蜜的声线清新的电子音乐,这貌似简单的配搭却被Owl City演绎得绚丽多彩,尽管夏日未到但已仿佛感受到那份清爽和惬意。