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Jordin Sparks


专辑名称:Battlefield (Deluxe Edition)(爱情战场)

◎首支同名主打〈Battlefield〉,交付碧昂丝、里欧娜最夯推手Ryan Tedder制作,强势攻占英美排行
◎国际版加收全美单曲榜第八名金曲〈Tattoo〉+欧洲金榜第九名代表作〈One Step At A Time〉
2007年夺得“American Idol美国偶像”歌唱选秀比赛第六季冠军,Jordin Sparks以17岁之龄拿下截至目前为止年纪最轻的卫冕者。隔年即以惊人的速度窜红全球流行歌坛,花了短短一年时间,赢得Billboard赞誉:“不造作的秀出她美丽嗓音”,站上“年度最佳新人”第二名位置、风光抱走全美音乐奖“最佳成人抒情艺人”加冕、第42届超级杯盛会上演唱国歌、提名葛莱美、 MTV等多座奖项肯定,Jordin力拼新世代都会情歌代言人,沉醉在她低回婉转之细腻情感铺陈,其挥洒自若的演绎技巧更随处展露无遗。
  出生亚利桑那州凤凰城的Jordin,以13岁稚龄录制生平第一张五首歌的迷你专辑。2004年迎战当代基督音乐歌唱竞赛Music In The Rockies得到亚军,同年在美国才艺选秀节目America's Most Talented Kid拔得头筹,随后担任摇滚怪杰Alice Cooper、福音歌手Michael W. Smith等人巡演时的幕后合音。以美国偶像舞台一圆歌唱美梦,顺利出版首张处女之航《Jordin Sparks》,登记全美流行榜第十名,接连在〈This Is My Now〉、〈Tattoo〉、〈No Air〉、〈One Step At A Time〉等四首全部冲进Top20之林的单曲推波助栏,快速获颁百万销售的白金认证。
  Jordin替首战写下风光纪录,乘胜追击的献上全新大碟《Battlefield》,字里行间描述着相爱的勇气与坚忍不拔之毅力,同时散发新世代独立女性的自信态势。第一波充满爆发力的同名主打〈Battlefield〉,在这爱情战场上谁也不想落得两败俱伤的局面,与其痛苦挣扎不如选择放手,声声唱进寻爱男女的心坎中,交付当红乐团OneRepublic主唱/创作核心Ryan Tedder(碧昂丝、里欧娜)撰写/制作,登记美国Top25+英国Top11;开场的〈Walking On Snow〉,很有凯莉克莱森式的流行摇滚味道;串联发烫的Electro Funk气流的〈S.O.S. (Let The Music Play)〉,取样Shannon于1983年缔造的百万金曲〈Let The Music Play〉,勾引随乐起舞的欲望,势必将造成排行各榜的骚动;翻唱个性才女Fefe Dobson未曾发表之作〈Don't Let It Go To Your Head〉、以钢琴穿绕令人动容之〈No Parade〉、细微电气颗粒包覆的激昂情歌〈Let It Rain〉、酷劲十足的电子摇滚曲目〈Emergency (911)〉,皆为俯首皆是的耐听优选。

2009 sophomore album from the American Idol winner. Battlefield takes her to another level and introduces us to a more mature voice surrounded by pure pop perfection. She has collaborated with an impressive list of producers on this album including Dr. Luke & T-Pain on 'Watch You Go' and Harvey Mason Jr. of the Underdogs on 'Don't Let It Go To Your Head'. Jordin also co-wrote several of the tracks on the album, including 'Was I The Only One' and 'Faith'.

Battlefield deluxe two disc package includes a CD and DVD. The deluxe CD contains two extra bonus tracks.The DVD features 4 chapters including Hanging With Jordin Sparks, Battlefield Behind The Scences, Battlefield Photo Shoot and the Battlefield music video.