魔鏡歌詞網 > 歐美歌手 > Paperbacks > Lit From Within > Day Planners




Day Planners

I had a tentative plan for this year, but now I don't know if I'll even stay here…or if I'll just allow unconnected events to slowly merge as they blur at the edge. And now I have had far too much to drink. I'll say things I rarely let myself think. My breaths come in pairs as the present resolves to pass, and my heartbeat leaves ripples when I grip the glass. My heartbeat leaves ripples when I grip the glass. So let's dismiss options as each one appears. Let's choose completely unsuited careers. Let's let our arms hang there limply as we're embraced, and then just race breathlessly into our graves. Then just race breathlessly into our graves. I'm reaching out, but you're too far away to love with accuracy. And a dark depression could be scheduled in, but It all takes too long…so let the clocks decide who's right or wrong. So let the clocks decide who's right or wrong.

Peter Boy Shadow Face You Walking Away Through The Smoky Funky Oberon Feeling Strong Chronicle Bandai Sa Me Sa Twilight City O Sometimes Its Just One Of Those Nights Oh Baby Woo Hoo Burning My Highlight Sleep Every Night Nightmare Hurry Up Don't Give Up Sarang Oppa Oppa Oppa Try Again And Walk Away Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Gonna Be A Fire Desire Higher Burning